Order of work

In coordination with clients we are out of one-size-fits-all approach. Our task is the obtaining a full understanding regarding goals and issues facing with clients and assistance in their achievement and resolution.

 At the stage of client’s address as a rule the following phases can be distinguished:

  1.  Initial discussion with client needed for understanding of type and character of required services;
  2. Questionnaire for initial planning and services cost evaluation in a case of need;
  3. Analysis of received information. General evaluation of the company’s activity character, volume and work complexity. Pre-estimate of services cost.
  4. Discussion and coordination with client about results of evaluation, deadlines and services schedule. Clarification of specifications performance in a case of need.
  5. Accordance and execution of an agreement.

Based on our experience and gained information we can recommend to client emendation to the services subject (specifications performance) in order client will give the maximum economic effect from balance between benefit and cost point of view.