Composition and content of services

We help clients to choose the optimal type of outsourcing, to determine composition and content of services in order to reach goals and objectives facing with clients, in particular, functions transfer of the following subdivisions:

  • Accounting;
  • Tax accounting;
  • Management records;
  • Internal control system;
  • Personnel records;

On a scale of provided services outsourcing services can be presented by the following types:

  • «Organizational» -    arrangements for accounting (rearrangement) of subdivisions work based on industry characteristics and business conducting specificity of client. Accounting system establishing from activation up to its involving in reporting. financial and tax bank policies, regulations, document flow including in relations with other structural subdivisions of the company, duty regulations and others are developed under terms of accounting system establishing. We can conduct recruitment and staff training which forms the company-customer’s staff upon completing project.
  • «Selective» - based on business processes distribution. For example, functions on job wages calculation, human resources documentation conducting, tax reporting formation, warehousing activities or individual segment of accounting and (or) tax accounting required special consideration (capital assets, monetary assets, reserves, Value-Added Tax, property tax and others)  and so on can be inferred on outsourcing.
  • «Intermediary» - Company-customer disposed by staff of its own employees can delegate control by accounting and 9or) tax subdivision to our company. Based on our experience the given approach promotes to formation of data base of knowledge and practical skills in subdivisions;
  • «Complete» – with all functions transfer of accounting (tax) records subdivisions to outsourcing;
  • «Staff out sourcing (out staffing)» – providing necessary qualification to staff during the realization of short-term and (or) long-term projects at the end of which the necessity in additional resources eliminates. For example, in the phases of reporting formation, participation in inventory, recovery procedures conducting, makeshift of the company’s employee and so on.